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Conférences DD4D à Paris : le graphisme d’information

Agenda | 2 commentaires
Du 18 au 20 juin
Inscrite dans le cadre du Projet Global de l´OCDE, Comment mesurer le progrès des sociétés, DD4D (Data designed for decisions DD4D) met en place une plateforme permettant lʼéchange dʼidées, de méthodes et dʼapproches relatives à la transformation, la représentation et la compréhension des statistiques, pour réfléchir sur les enjeux de la représentation graphique, proposer des outils pour visualiser et comprendre des données, trouver et raconter les histoires qui se cachent derrière les statistiques, permettre au citoyen de mieux appréhender des questions complexes, visualiser le progrès et les politiques de développement.

Offres exclusives pour les membres AFD :
Pass 3 jours : 500 euros eu lieu de 1260 euros
Modalité : s´inscrire en ligne via en précisant AFD Membership dans la case How did you hear about DD4D?
Pass 1 journée : 250 euros
Modalité : s´inscrire en ligne via en choisissant les Student Pass à 250 euros et précisant AFD Membership + Thursday 18 ou Friday 19 ou Saturday 20 dans la case How did you hear about DD4D?

Participants :
Will Stahl-Timmins-Peninsula Medical School (UK), Pat Wright-Cardiff University (UK), Nigel Holmes-Explanation graphics (USA), Helen Joyce-The Economist (UK), Stefan Schwarzer UN/DEWA/GRID-Europe (Suisse), Yvonne Erikson-Maelardalen University (Suède), Seth Flaxman-École Polytechnique de Lausanne (Suisse), Pamela Ebert Flattau-IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute (USA), Virginia Tiradentes-University of Brasilia (Brésil), Lara Ho-International Rescue (Côte d‘Ivoire), Mikael Jern-National Center for Visual Analytics (Suède), Jim Ridgway-Durham University School of Education (UK), Arlene Birt-Haberman & Associates (USA), Carlo Amati Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Italie), Carol Briam-Zayed University (UAE), Nicolas Naveau-Ars Electronica Futurelab (Autriche), Ruedi Baur-Integral (Suisse-France).

Quelques bonnes raisons de les rencontrer en juin à Paris

Will Stahl-Timmins Peninsula Medical School / UK:
'DD4D represents for us a meeting of ways... The fields of statistics, psychology and visual design must learn from each other if we are to support decision-making by providing insights into increasingly complex data by producing, evaluating and applying information graphics. DD4D is where these disparate disciplines meet, and learn to speak each others' languages.'

Pat Wright Cardiff University / UK:
'The conference topic is timely because the digital age has prompted a data deluge. Fortunately it has also led to exciting developments of new tools for displaying and analysing data, transforming it into knowledge that can inform decision making. Today’s challenges relate to the design of these tools and to spreading their benefits to the general public where they can assist people with the decisions they take at work and in their personal lives.'

Nigel Holmes explanation graphics / USA:
'I find DD4D exciting because it brings together so many different strands of information design in the most beautiful city in the world.'

Helen Joyce The Economist  / UK:
'We at The Economist are asking ourselves what we should be doing with data online: telling a story with data, or do we provide a set of resources? Telling stories is what we as journalists are used to doing, but the world of data representation right now seems primarily concerned with interactivity, with presenting data so that you can change a variable, see a new representation and draw your own conclusions. I want to hear what other people who care about data think about this tension.'

Stefan Schwarzer UN / DEWA / GRID-Europe / Switzerland:
I find DD4D so exciting, because I expect to find an incredible mixture of great people of various backgrounds dealing with data & design, offering thus marvelous opportunities to see how colleagues from around the world work, to learn from each other, and to share experiences.

Yvonne Erikson Maelardalen University / Sweden:
I find DD4D exciting since I am interested in how to visualize complex data in a simple and clarifying way. I am curious about how the design of complex issues effects people’s decision on different levels.

Seth Flaxman Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne / Switzerland:
I am eager to spread the word at DD4D about the need for more statistics on world cities. I want to put out the call among designers and data visualization experts for new visualizations of these statistics and of the world city system as a whole.'

Pamela Ebert Flattau IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute / USA:
“DD4D provides a unique opportunity to advance the use of statistics for planning and policymaking through a innovative dialogue involving data collectors and analysts, information scientists and graphics artists, and thought leaders from around the world.

Virginia Tiradentes University of Brasilia / Brazil:
'The DD4D Conference brings the interdisciplinary approach to information design to a much needed new level.'

Lara Ho  International Rescue / Committee, Côte d‘Ivoire:
'I am looking forward to exchanging ideas on how to better use data for improving aid and development with the multi-disciplinary participants at DD4D.'

Mikael Jern National Center for Visual Analytics / Sweden:
“This is great opportunity for NCVA to demonstrate and share state-of-the-art dynamic web visualization technology to be applied to the global project Wiki progress hosted by OECD”

Jim Ridgway Durham University School of Education / UK:
Interactive displays unleash the theory builders inside us all! DD4D is a stepping stone to revitalized democracies and empowered citizens.

Arlene Birt Haberman & Associates / USA:
'DD4D is the intersection of policy, communication, design and education at which visual thinkers and data experts will engage in dialogue about the future of our planet, and the information that will get us there.'

Carlo Amati Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico / Italy:
'Putting together experts in different disciplines, as in the DD4D conference, is one of the key factors for progress in a multifaceted domain such as that of information conveyance: everyone will benefit from the positive contamination of comments exchanged from different points of view'.

Carol Briam Zayed University / UAE:
'I am especially looking forward to meeting prominent people in the field of information design whose ideas have had a great influence on my work. I am also keen to hear firsthand from those whose ideas are unfamiliar to me--the eclectic mix of speakers will undoubtedly make for some thought-provoking sessions and discussions.'

Nicolas Naveau Ars Electronica Futurelab / Austria:
'DD4D is a unique occasion to join a network for data visualization and information design at one time and place.'

Ruedi Baur Integral / Switzerland / France:
'Le design de l'information prend un rôle de plus en plus essentiel dans notre société, il serait dangereux de ne l'aborder que sur le plan fonctionnel. J'attends de DD4D des débats ouverts sur ces questions.'