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Matinée-conférence, lunch et rencontre avec Blair Enns à Londres

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L’auteur du best seller Gagner sans idées gratuites, vous propose une rencontre “From Succeeding to Thriving: A Win Without Pitching* Program Overview”, à Londres, autour de ses thématiques de la stratégie commerciale pour les entreprises créatives. Au Charlotte Street Hotel le 22 avril, pour 39 £ tea & lunch inclus, c’est l’occasion d’un aller-retour dans la journée de changer votre vision de votre business.
*Moneydesign, partenaire AFD, publie en français Blair Enns et organise des séminaires.

Win Without Pitching
Organiser of From Succeeding to Thriving: A Win Without Pitching Program Overview. Win Without Pitching is the world's leading sales training organization for creative businesses. Through our remote learning program we help independent creative business from around the world close more new business at higher margins and lower costs of sale.

The Event
Win Without Pitching founder Blair Enns hosts an exclusive event for owners and managing directors of independent creative firms at the Charlotte Street Hotel in London, the morning of Friday, April 22nd.

In From Succeeding to Thriving: A Win Without Pitching Program Overview, Blair will talk about what he has learned from more than a decade of business development consulting about why some design firms struggled to apply his Win Without Pitching advice and why others were able to transform their firms and their fortunes. He'll explain how the different patterns of success and failure inspired the development of the Win Without Pitching program, the virtual-classroom training program that replaced his consulting practice in 2014 and now serves a rapidly-growing number of creative businesses around the world. Finally he'll show you how you can overcome the obstacles that have kept so many design firms from the elusive second level of success.

9:30 – Registration & tea
10:00 – Blair Enns lecture
  • The key tenets of Win Without Pitching
  • Confessions of a recovering consultant: failures and successes in implementing Win Without Pitching across UK design firms
  • Improving the odds of success: an overview of the Win Without Pitching coaching & training program and its results
12:00 – Lunch

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